Creating a culture of publication integrity together

COPE brings together all those involved in scholarly research and its publication to strengthen the network of support, education and debate in publication ethics

These guiding principles are intended as a foundation for best practice in scholarly publishing to help existing and new journals reach the best possible standards. They have been updated to align the principles with today's scholarly publishing landscape.

Our core practices

Core practices are the policies and practices journals and publishers need, to reach the highest standards in publication ethics. We include cases with advice, guidance for day-to-day practice, education modules and events on topical issues, to support journals and publishers fulfil their policies.

Your publication ethics case

Do you have a publication ethics issue and need help with next steps? Submit your case for discussion and advice at our next COPE Forum.

Guidance & discussion

Guidance for publishers and journals when handling systematic manipulation of the publication process

Flowcharts and infographics offer a step by step process for editors and publishers to use when handling suspected manipulation before and after publication. Recommended actions are given, depending on the investigation findings and level of confidence in the findings that systematic manipulation of the publication process has occurred.

September 2022

Peer review guidance is available for peer reviewers, editors and publishers, and we launch the fourth version of the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

COPE Members held a discussion on conference proceedings at the recent COPE Forum. We are keen to hear comments and questions from all involved in conference proceedings.

Watch the introduction to the Forum discussion on "Dealing with complaints about the integrity of published research" and read the discussion points raised at the Forum. We welcome your comments.

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing version 4 launched September 2022

The Principles of Transparency has been updated to align with today's scholarly publishing landscape. These guiding principles are intended as a foundation to help existing and new journals reach the best possible standards in scholarly publishing.

Peer review flowcharts offer a step by step process, with practical help for editors and reviewers.

Unsure of your ethical obligations as a peer reviewer? The guidelines are designed to help peer reviewers by setting out the basic principles and standards.

Whether and under what circumstances should an editor modify a peer review?