Programme | Friday 17 July

Plenary session: IAMCR 2017, Cartagena, Colombia

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Times are expressed in Tampere local time EEST and in UTC/GMT

15:00 EEST / 12:00 UTC/GMT
IAMCR General Assembly - Online

Members who registered previously are welcome to attend this virtual meeting. Participants must have registered by 15.


  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes of the previous General Assembly, 24 June 2018, Eugene, Oregon, USA
  3. Approval of New Members
  4. Summary of Reports from Officers:
    1. President – Janet Wasko
    2. Vice Presidents – Graham Murdock, Aimée Vega Montiel
    3. Secretary General – Gerard Goggin
    4. Treasurer – Elske van de Fliert
  5. Approval of Leadership in Sections and Working Groups
  6. Any Other Business
  7. Report of Election Committee
  8. Executive Board and International Council Changeover 
  9. Adjournment

16:30 EEST / 13:30 UTC/GMT
The Unclosing: "Continuity and Change in Eras of Risk and Uncertainty" 
Watch it now >

Moderator: Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University

  • Reviewing IAMCR history and launch of Basics of IAMCR history by Cees Hamelink and Kaarle Nordenstreng.
  • Recalling the MacBride Commission (1977-80) and subsequent developments with Juan Somavia, Commission member and former Director General of ILO
  • Highlighting McQuail's Media & Mass Communication Theory 7th ed. with Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam
  • Reflecting on the future of media and communication research - two dialogues
    • Usha Raman, University of Hyderabad / Trine Syvertsen, University of Oslo
    • Laura Ahva, Tampere University / Leonardo Custodio, Åbo Akademi University
  • Welcome to Nairobi 2021
  • Concluding thoughts: Outgoing president, Janet Wasko and incoming president, Nico Carpentier 

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