Community Communication and Alternative Media Section
The Community Communication and Alternative Media Section focuses on media that originates, circulates and resonates from the sphere of civil society. It seeks to advance research on the objectives, practices and dynamics of community, alternative and citizens' media, including issues of localism, politics, socio-economics, language, ethnicity, gender, or other interests and intersections. Our concerns include issues of media access, participation and reception; media projects undertaken by marginalized and underrepresented groups; development and support of community-based media institutions and infrastructures; communication practices by social movements; innovative forms of media activism; interactions between classic community and new social media; alternative forms of journalism; and theoretical contributions to the research, evaluation and practice of community communication.
Co-Chair: Amparo Cadavid (School of Communication, UNIMINUTO, Colombia) [contact]
Co-Chair: Vinod Pavarala (UNESCO Chair on Community Media / University of Hyderabad, India) [contact]
Vice chair: Alejandro Barranquero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) [contact]
Vice chair: Andrew Ó Baoill (School of English and Creative Arts, National University of Ireland Galway) [contact]
See the list of all current members of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section. For more information about a given member, go to (accessible only to IAMCR members).
To join the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section, login to your account and select My Sections and Working Groups from the menu. A number of IAMCR sections and working groups send notices and other information exclusively to their members. IAMCR members can join up to three sections or working groups.
Follow the CAM Section in social media:
Twitter: @CamIamcr
IAMCR's Community Communication and Alternative Media Section invites proposals that reflect the section's interest.
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The IAMCR Community Communication Section invites submissions of abstracts for papers and panel proposals for the 2014 IAMCR conference to be held from July 15-19 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India.

Dublin, IRELAND...