It is an officially acknowledged and generally widely-accepted fact that the San people of Namibia are marginalised and require interventions (Haufiku 2013). According to van Dijk (2000), all over the world the media do more than just conveying information. Indeed, through representation, the media can form public opinion on a variety of issues. In the case of Namibia, by not highlighting the voices and the plight of marginalized communities, the media can render such communities invisible and irrelevant. This is because the media are an important means to convey information and to mould opinion in any country (Cottle, 2000). Accordingly, how the media report about the San people in Namibia can have either a positive or a negative impact on the lives of this underprivileged group. Stories about the San people have seldom appeared in the Namibian print media, and it appears that the print media do not go out of their way to look for stories on the plight of the San people (Jeursen, 1995; Biesele & Hitchcock, 2008). This research, therefore, sought to generate information on how the Namibian print media reports on the San when they do give them and their issues coverage. This study involves an analysis of the representation of San people of Namibia in news stories published in The Namibian, New Era, Informanté, The Southern Times, The Villager, The Windhoek Observer and Namibian Sun newspapers over a two-year period - January 2012 to December 2013. The aim was to evaluate the economic, socio-cultural and political situation of the San people as reported by the seven newspapers. A purposive sampling technique was used in order to cater for specific “characteristics and qualities”, which in this case is the San people thus eliminating (other Namibian ethnic groups) who fail to meet the study criteria (Wimmer & Dominick, 2006, p. 92). Content analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA) were used to analyse data and point out binaries and dichotomies inherent in selected articles. The study found that balanced reportage of issues that affect San people is conspicuously absent. Much of the reportage is event-driven as well as lacking analysis and balance. The study recommends a revision of the intermediary role of the media, journalistic ethics and a shift from symptoms to causes and viable solutions. It further recommends new media discourses that shift from stereotyping to a discourse that restores and upholds the identity of San people.