Sentiment and Social Network Analysis of the Rohingya Twittersphere


Social media has altered the course of how conflicts are created and fought. This revolutionary change in the communication landscape has nurtured questions related to how information flows from one user to another and how users can influence these flows especially during times of wars and conflicts. This study picks up the case of the Rohingya crisis, which is dubbed as ‘one of the world’s worst humanitarian and human crises’ (United Nations, 2018) of the 21st century. Social media has been mentioned often in various news articles and foreign policy documents as one of the key tools used in securitising the population. By using sentiment analysis and social network analysis, this study seeks to find out the public sentiment related to the Rohingya conflict and who among Twitter users act as the main influencer in the network that segmented ideas and information. This paper is a preliminary study to assess how sentiment analysis and social network analysis can help assess an ongoing conflict.