Media aesthetic component of communication and its manifestation in infographic publications


Among the main trends that reflect the transformation in mass communication today, there is a trend of the media visualization, which is under analyses in the present research. “Aesthetic turn” is becoming ever more relevant along with the “visual turn”. Consequently, the role of the media aesthetic component of communication is becoming dominant, which makes it a prior field of media communicators’ research. Media aesthetics – the aesthetics of media – which is understood in the present study as the formation of sensory perception of the proposed media content.

In this connection, the purpose of the present research (is supported by the Russian Science Foundation, 18-18-00007) can be formulated as follows – to demonstrate the media aesthetic potential of infographic messages using particular cases.

The main research method is the case study. The infographic materials of the websites “TASS. Infographics” (, the information agency “RIA Novosti” ( and “Argumenti and Fakti” ( is analyzed.

As an example, consider the infographic material “Mendeleev - Peter the Great ... and other flights that may appear in the Russian sky” ( of the site “TASS. Infographics” (

Not only the visual presentation of digital material, but also its emotional aspect of the infographics: how clearly, originally, artistically and expressive the author explains the events are analyzed.

This material is a response to one of the topics actively discussed at the time in Russia. It deals with the renaming of airports. The material contains static and moving elements. Many of the elements are tailored to the airports concepts: flying airplanes, information desks, luggage carts. That gives the effect of constant movement, which corresponds to the atmosphere of the airport. That is constant dynamics. Infographics is presented in quite bright colors. The main are white, red, blue and orange. These bright, sunny, positive colors are very pleasant for perception. The greatest effect is achieved through technical means, in particular, due to moving illustrations that carry a deep meaning. Thus, the infographic language allowed to create a unique media production, which is, firstly, logical at the level of composition, secondly, interesting – at the level of plot and means of expression, and, thirdly, expressive – at the level of design.

So, when creating an infographic message, both substantive and design principles of systematization, structuring and presentation of information are equally important. It is so both from an ideological point of view – what idea the author wanted to express – and from an aesthetic point of view – how accurate and harmonious the replicated artistic image is.