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/ OCP Interactive Sessions / See the Business Meetings > /

The Sections and Working Groups listed below hosted OCP Interactive Sessions on Zoom during the week of the conference. Schedules and additional information, including the Zoom links, recording links, themes, etc. are published here.
Note: The recording of these sessions are no longer available.


Select your Section or Working Group from the list below.

Comic Art Working Group

Comic Art Working Group

In the OCP interactive session of the Comic Art Working Group, the heads presented the e-book and the podcast "The First Top Ten". Members of the group also had the opportunity to discuss their research. At the end of the session, John A. Lent, the founder of the group, announced the winner of the Best Paper Award. The session was bilingual (English and Spanish).

Session Recording: COA OCP Interactive Session - Friday, 15 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC


Community Communication and Alternative Media Section

Community Communication and Alternative Media Section - CAM


Session Recording:  CAM 1: Interactive Session 1 - Tuesday, 12 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Moderator: Alejandro Barranquero,  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Informal Activist Infrastructures: Comm Tech for Grassroots Organizing and Movement Building, Brad Limov - Submission Id: 2456

Facebook Memes as Criticism: A Semiotic Analysis of Education Related Memes Posted by University Students in Bangladesh, Hasib Shah Aman & Priyanka Kundu - Submission Id: 1241
#BukeleDictador en El Salvador: tecnopolítica, discurso de resistencia y acción colectiva, Alexia Avalos - Submission Id: 2313
Anti-Caste Techno-Activism: chronicling online reform and resistance narratives in the Indian Cyberspace, Piyush Kant - Submission Id: 1454


Session Recording: CAM OCP  Interactive Session 2 - Wednesday, 13 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Moderator: Amparo Cadavid, UNIMINUTO, Colombia

Communication as cosmogony for self-determination of Indigenous Peoples, Claudia Magallanes Blanco - Submission Id: 2102

Tecnopolítica, imaginarios sociotécnicos y prácticas de resistencia. El legado del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano en tecnología e información (Technopolitics, sociotechnical imaginaries and practices of resistance. The legacy of Latin American critical thinking in technology and information), Juan Ramos - Submission Id: 1455

Media Activism and the Challenge of the Invested Ethnographer, Mitch Perkins - Submission Id: 677

From social appropriation to social justice: new flows of contents production and distribution built by autonomous voices, Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho, Cinthya Pires Oliveira, Larissa Souza da Silva Farinazzo


Session Recording: CAM OCP Interactive Session 3 - Thursday, 14 July | 15h30 – 17h00 UTC

Moderator: Andrew O Baoill, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland

Sustainability, dependence and power: five models of media in marginalised communities, Franz Kruger - Submission Id: 2237

Press cooperatives: main features and sustainability of a journalistic enterprise, Eloi Camps - Submission Id: 973

Participatory media and community: Analysis of the film collective production praxis for short documentaries in India, Vishnupriya Singh & Gaury Chakraborty - Submission Id: 349

“If we had the chance to start over…” Lessons learned and the way forward for Greece’s most long running cooperative media, Lambrini Papadopoulou - Submission Id: 1352

Gender and Communication Section

Gender and Communication Section – GEN

GEN 1: (Alternative) Reporting: Intersectionality and (Non)Conformity in the Newsrooms

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 1 - Monday, 11 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chair:  Usha Raman (University of Hyderabad)


Blue and pink make purple: Exploring gender nonconformity and its portrayal in journalistic discourse, Elisavet Rozaki and Katerina Diamantaki (Deree-The American College of Greece), Michael Nevradakis (Hellenic American University) - Submission Id: 387
Respondent: Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin (University of Ghana)
Smashing the media glass ceiling: Experiences of women digimediapreneurs in Ghana, Gertrude Dzifa A. Zegbla and Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin (University of Ghana) - Submission Id: 1426
Respondents: Usha Manchanda Rodrigues (Manipal Academy of Higher Communication) and  Usha Raman (University of Hyderabad) - Submission Id: 1426

Reporting violence against women – intersectionality and diversity in the newsrooms, Usha Manchanda Rodrigues (Manipal Academy of Higher Communication) - Submission Id: 2592
Respondent: Gertrude Dzifa A. Zegbla and Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin (University of Ghana)

Measuring toxic masculinity in journalistic performance: Developing a monitoring tool, Usha Raman, Amritha Mohan, Anuja Premika (University of Hyderabad)  and Sweta Singh (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) - Submission Id: 591
Respondent: Katerina Diamantaki (Deree-The American College of Greece),

GEN 2: Emotional Digital Labor: Performing and Commercializing (Counter)Hegemonic Discourses and the Female Complaint

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 2 - Monday, 11 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Carolina Matos (City University of London)


Show how much you love me”: A Study of Online dramatic Performances in College Couple team in China, Xiaoping Wu and Wang Yiling (Zhejiang University of Technology) - Submission Id: 1685
Respondent: Liming Liu (Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College)

The discursive construction of middle-aged femininity in Sisters Who Make Waves and its counter-hegemonic discourse contestation by female digital workers, Liming Liu (Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College) - Submission Id: 1089
Respondents: Xiaoping Wu and Wang Yiling (Zhejiang University of Technology)

Performing Gender and Making a New Living: Emotional Digital Labor of Housewives on Douyin, Guanqin He ( Utrecht University) - Submission Id: 1037
Respondent: Deya Zu, Tingting Liu

“Normal confident guys”: Chinese female stand-up comedians performing, triggering, and commercializing the “female complaint”, Deya Zu(Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Tingting Liu (Jinan University) - Submission Id: 89
Respondent: Guanqin He ( Utrecht University)

GEN 3: Estrategias Sociodigitales y Discursos Público en las Protestas Feministas

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 3 - Monday, 11 July | 15h30 – 17h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Patricia Nunez Gomez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


La representación de la violencia de género en la telenovelas peruanas y chilenas 2018- 2020, Giuliana Cassano (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) and Lorena Antezana (Universidad de Chile) - Submission Id: 435
Respondents: Ana Sofia Apodaca Cabrera (Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro)
Redes Sociodigitales, Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria y Mujeres Adolescentes. Un panorama de estudio, Ana Sofia Apodaca Cabrera (Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro) - Submission Id: 977
Respondent: Claudia Pedraza (Universidad La Salle CdMx)

Experiencias de lo que implica ser investigadora en un contexto masculinizado y violento, Leticia Hernández (Universidad Iberoamericana) - Submission Id: 328
Respondent: Giuliana Cassano (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) and Lorena Antezana (Universidad de Chile)
Estrategias discursivas de los medios digitales en la cobertura de las protestas feministas: discursos en tensión sobre las mujeres y el espacio público, Claudia Pedraza (Universidad La Salle CdMx) - Submission Id: 1416
Respondent: Leticia Hernández (Universidad Iberoamericana)

GEN 4: Digital Feminism and Professionalism

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 4 - Tuesday, 12 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chair: Carolina Matos (City University of London)


The Media Discourse Analysis On Female Medical Workers Under the Background of COVID-19 Epidemic, Xiaochen Yang (Communication University of China) - Submission Id: 632
Reality or Reconstructed? A comparative study of media representation of rural women entrepreneurs pre- and post- pandemic (2017-2021) in Mainland China, Chenxiang Elaine Ji (University of Nottingham Ningbo & Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics) and Tingting Shen (University of Nottingham Ningbo) - Submission Id: 1131
Respondents: Lingwei Shao (Communication University of Zhejiang), Ali Saha (Monash University)
Exploring digital divides as a component of intersectionality through #Dalitlivesmatter moment, Ali Saha (Monash University), Usha Manchanda Rodrigues (Manipal Academy of Higher Communication), and Paromita Pain (Reynolds School of Journalism) - Submission Id: 1452
Respondents: Chenxiang Elaine Ji (University of Nottingham Ningbo & Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics) and Tingting Shen (University of Nottingham Ningbo)

Mirror, mirror on the wall: The myths of online self-representations of Chinese young women, Lingwei Shao and Fangyu Yin (Communication University of Zhejiang) - Submission Id: 245
Respondents: Usha Manchanda Rodrigues (Manipal Academy of Higher Communication), and Paromita Pain (Reynolds School of Journalism)

GEN 5: Networked Misogyny, Dehumanization, and Health

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 5 - Tuesday, 12 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Robert Gutsche, Jr (Lancaster University)


“Take the World by Storm”:  Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Potential Impacts of #MeToo Exposure on Women’s Health Outcomes and Sense of Empowerment, Yang Yi (University of Miami) and Yin Yang (Pennsylvania State University) - Submission Id: 1001
Respondents: Robert Gutsche, Jr (Lancaster University)

Networked Misogyny: A Study on the Representation and Construction of Community Culture in Hupu Pedestrian Street, Liangqi Ding (Fudan University) and Xueying Jiang (Peking University) - Submission Id: 1232
Respondents: Ambrish Saxena and  Susmita Bala Saxena (Delhi Metropolitan Education)

From sexual assault to erotica: Longform digital journalism and gendered coverage of #MeToo, Carolina Estrada and Robert E. Gutsche, Jr. (Lancaster University) - Submission Id: 482
Respondents: Liangqi Ding (Fudan University) and Xueying Jiang (Peking University)

Dehumanization of Muslim women on social media in India: Case study of Bulli Bai App 2021/2022, Ambrish Saxena and  Susmita Bala Saxena (Delhi Metropolitan Education) - Submission Id: 2382
Respondents: Liangqi Ding (Fudan University) and Xueying Jiang (Peking University)

GEN 6: Gender: Equality, Regulations and Rights

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 6 - Wednesday, 13 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chair: Katia Maria Belisário (Universidade de Brasília)


Rethinking Post-feminism and Gender Equality in China from Social Media Communications of Cosmetics Brands for “Nan Se Consumption”, Xueyi Liu and Sunny Sui-kwong Lam (Hong Kong Metropolitan University) - Submission Id: 967
Respondents: Vagdevi HS (St. Philomena's College affiliated to University of Mysore) and Esha Jainiti (Amity University Haryan)
Deconstructing Media Role in Bridging the Gender Gap in Higher Education, Vagdevi HS (St. Philomena's College affiliated with University of Mysore) and Esha Jainiti (Amity University Haryan) - Submission Id: 1776
Respondents: Katia Maria Belisário  (Universidade de Brasília), Mila Oliveira Corrêa, Prisley Severo Zuse

Why marriage and kids are considered women’s greatest achievement? A study of BBC Urdu’s 3 min 11 sec video shot in Pakistan and viewers’ comments on social media, Wajiha Raza Rizvi (Film Museum Society, Beaconhouse National University) - Submission Id: 467
Respondents: Vagdevi HS (St. Philomena's College affiliated with University of Mysore) and Esha Jainiti (Amity University Haryan)

“For all Penhas” podcast: Ten Laws that Save Women Lives in Brazil, Katia Maria Belisário (Universidade de Brasília), Mila Oliveira Corrêa and Prisley Severo Zuse (University of Brasila) - Submission Id: 356
Respondents: Xueyi Liu and Sunny Sui-kwong Lam (Hong Kong Metropolitan University)

GEN 7: Sexism: Self Efficacy, Resistance, and Resilience

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 7: Thursday, 14 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chair: Alka Kurian (University of Washington Bothell)


The Social / Sexual Politics of Fourth Wave Moroccan Feminists, Naziha Houki (Al Akhawayn University),  Alka Kurian (University of Washington Bothell), Kenza Oumlil (Al Akhawayn University) - Submission Id: 1361
Respondents: Sunayan Bhattacharjee (Adamas University) and Saima Shahid (National University of Modern Languages)

Who Speaks for Pakistani Women? The Social Media Landscape of Feminist Activism in the Country During Pandemic, Saima Shahid (National University of Modern Languages) - Submission Id: 2330
Respondents: Naziha Houki (Al Akhawayn University) and Sunayan Bhattacharjee (Adamas University).

Evaluating Stereotypes about the LGBTQIA+ Community in Mainstream Indian Media, Sunayan Bhattacharjee (Adamas University) - Submission Id: 1119
Respondents: Kenza Oumlil (Al Akhawayn University) and Saima Shahid (National University of Modern Languages)

GEN 8: Body as Battlefield & Body Image Satisfaction

Session Recording: GEN OCP Interactive Session 8 - Friday, 15 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chairs: Ruchi Kher Jaggi (Symbiosis International University) and Faiza Rafique (Digital Media Studies)


Body as Battlefield: Iranian Women’s Self-representation on Instagram, Hoornaz Keshavarzian (Simon Fraser University) - Submission Id: 1741
Respondents: Ruchi Kher Jaggi (Symbiosis International University) and Wajiha Raza Rizvi (Film Museum Society | Beaconhouse National University)

Beyond modernity messaging: Assessment of DKT’s family planning campaign in Ethiopia, Emrakeb Woldearegay (University of Ore) - Submission Id: 2533
Respondents: Hoornaz Keshavarzian (Simon Fraser University) and Ruchi Kher Jaggi (Symbiosis International University) 

Gender and Modernity: Cultural invasion through advertisements of international brands in Pakistan, Hassan Ali Maan (University of Lahore) and  Wajiha Raza Rizvi (Film Museum Society | Beaconhouse National University) - Submission Id: 581
Respondents: Emrakeb Woldearegay (University of Ore) and Ruchi Kher Jaggi (Symbiosis International University)
Wielding a Postfeminist Discourse– Changing Representations of Women Protagonists on Indian Streaming Platforms, Ruchi Kher Jaggi (Symbiosis International University) - Submission Id: 577
Respondents: Emrakeb Woldearegay (University of Ore) and Hassan Ali Maan (University of Lahore)  

Global Media Policy Working Group

Global Media Policy Working Group – GMP

Current Challenges in Global Communication Governance

Wednesday, 13 July|13h30 – 15h00 UTC

   Topic: GMP OCP Interactive Session: Wednesday, 13 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC
   Time: Jul 13, 2022 13:30 Universal Time UTC
   Join Zoom Meeting
   Meeting ID: 981 5898 5930
   Passcode: 582209

Discussion chair: Claudia Padovani (University of Padova)


An analysis of big tech EU competition policy: The case of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and Meta, Petros Iosifidis (City University London) and  Nicholas Nicoli (University of Nicosia) - Submission Id: 585
Respondents: Sara Bannerman (McMaster University )and Ivan Paganotti (Universidade Metodista de São Paulo)

Building a Framework for News Media Governance: A Case-study from India, Ashkumar Gopalani (Independent Researcher) - Submission Id: 1127
Respondents: Preeti Raghunath (Monash University) and Petros Iosifidis (City University London) and  Nicholas Nicoli (University of Nicosia)

Critically Analyzing Information Warfare Policy in Context to Fifth Generation War in Pakistan, Taha Shabbir and Dastar Chandio  (Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University), Umair Ansari (University of Karachi) - Submission Id: 1277
Respondents: Arne Hintz (Cardiff University) and Ashkumar Gopalani (Independent Researcher)

Fighting disinformation in Brazil: fact-checking, demonetization, regulation and media education, Ivan Paganotti (Universidade Metodista de São Paulo) - Submission Id: 2420
Respondents: Claudia Padovani (University of Padova) and Taha Shabbir and Dastar Chandio  (Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University), Umair Ansari (University of Karachi)

History Section

History Section

Communication, Technologies, and Identities

Session Recording: HIS OCP  Interactive Session: Tuesday, 12 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Nelson Ribeiro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)


Confronting the Terror of White Rule: Plácido’s Poetry and Legacy in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cuba, Anna Lindner(Wayne State University)

Shaping a post–Soviet ‘Russian World’: A study on Russia’s communication strategy in the Baltic State, Anzelika Smimova (Peking University)

What’s in a Name: The Role played by Online Caste Sabhas in Identity-construction and its Articulation amongst Upper Caste Bhumihars Today, Vrishali Na (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)

Dot and dash. Notes on wireless telegraphy in Colombia (1920-1932), Gloria Inés Mestre López (Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Comunicación [ACICOM]) & Jairo Alberto Hurtado Londoño (Ponitificia Universidad Javeriana)

Media, Communication and Sport Section

Media, Communication and Sport Section – MCS

MCS 1: Current perspectives on media, communication and sport

Session Recording: MCS OCP Interactive Session 1 - Monday, 11 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chairs: Xavier Ramon (Pompeu Fabra University) and Alina Bernstein (College of Management Academic Studies, COMAS).

Discussion themes

  • The shifting sports media landscape: diverse and innovative destinations
  • Diversity in media, communication and sport: gender and nationality
  • Global perspectives on sports communication: industry and actors

MCS 2: Reflections on communication and The Olympic Games

Session Recording: MCS OCP Interactive Session 2 - Tuesday, 12 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Discussion chairs: Xavier Ramon (Pompeu Fabra University) and Alina Bernstein (College of Management Academic Studies, COMAS).

Discussion themes

  • Examining the Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympics and Paralympics: content and consumption
  • Analysing the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics: communication and cultural value

Media Education Research Section

Media Education Research Section – MER

MER 1: The Diversity of Media Education (Research)

Session Recording: MER 1 OCP Interactive Session - Tuesday, 12 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Moderator: Leena Ripatti-Torniainen 

MER 2: Media practices and mediation

Wednesday, 13 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Moderator: Sara Pereira

Topic: MER OCP Interactive Session 2: Wednesday, 13 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Time: Jul 13, 2022 13:30 Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 6950 6263

Passcode: 488787

MER 3: Shaping Media Education

Session Recording: MER OCP Interactive Session 3: Thursday, 14 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Moderator: Michael Hoechsmann

Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Society Section

Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society Section– MPS

MPS 1: Cyberbullying, Rumours and Conspiracy Theories

Session Recording: MPS OCP Interactive Session 1 - Monday, 11 July | 9:00 – 10:30 UTC

Moderator: Susanne Eichner (Film University Babelsberg)

MPS 2: Sentiments, Emotions and Involution on Social Media

Monday, 11 July| 13:30 – 15:00 UTC

Topic: MPS OCP Interactive Session 3: Monday, 11 July | 13:30 – 15:00 UTC
Time: Jul 11, 2022 13:30 Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 950 9484 5244
Passcode: 294173

Moderator: Ruchi Tewari (MICA)

MPS 3: Media Use and Everyday Life Practices

Thursday, 14 July |09:00 10:30 UTC

Topic: MPS OCP Interactive Session 2: Thursday, 14 July | 09:00 –10:30 UTC
Time: Jul 14, 2022 09:00 Universal Time UTC
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Meeting ID: 922 3175 1598
Passcode: 184521

Moderator: Franziska Thiele (University of Greifswald)

Participatory Communication Research Section

Participatory Communication Research Section – PCR

PCR 1: Theoretical and methodological contributions in participatory communication

Session Recording: PCR Interactive Session 1 - Tuesday, 12 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Dorismilda Flores-Márquez (Universidad De La Salle Bajío)


Participation as notion and practice in popular communication: experiences in the Brazilian Amazon, Ana Suzina (Loughborough University) - Submission Id: 454

Bridging Academia and Civil Society for Access and Inclusion: Insights from Action-Research Experiences, José Carlos Neves and Carla Sousa (Lusófona University) - Submission Id: #920
New thinking strategies for epistemological symmetry: deconstructing economic development in ICT4D, Maria Touri (University of Leicester) - Submission Id: #997

Conceptualising South to South Media Activism: Dialogues, Memories and Territories, Andrea Medrado (University of Westminster) and Isabella Rega (Bournemouth University) - Submission Id: #1190

PCR 2: Participation, theory, ethics and methodology

Session Recording: PCR OCP Interactive Session 2 - Wednesday, 13 July | 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Ana Lúcia Nunes de Sousa ((Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)


Re-orienting Participatory Action Research in a Neo-globalised World: A methodological example of a heritage project in Mpumalanga, South Africa, Lauren Dyll and  Mary Lange (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Jean-Pierre Celliers (Lydenburg Museum),Julie Grant (University of Johannesburg), Roger Fisher (University of Pretoria), David Morris (McGregor Museum & Sol Plaatje University), Izak Kruiper (ǂKhomani traditional healer specialising in intergenerational transfer of cultural knowledge) - Submission Id: 2003

Brazilian perspective on Social Advertising and its classification: a participatory methodology for social transformation in the context of Neo-Globalisation, Patrícia Gonçalves Saldanha (Universidade Federal Fluminense) - Submission Id: #2457

Mapping Participatory Communication Research – An exploratory approach, Ana Duarte de Melo (Universidade do Minho) and Dorismilda Florez-Márquez (Universidad De La Salle Bajío) - Submission Id: #2536

PCR 3: Art in the city

Session Recording: PCR OCP Interactive Session 3 - Thursday, 14 July| 13h30 – 15h00 UTC

Discussion chair: Ana Duarte de Melo (Universidade do Minho)


Cities and All That Jazz, Prof. em. dr Cees Hamelink (University of Amsterdam) and  Lic. Gabriela Barrios Garrido (Rescue our Future Foundation) - Submission Id: #2452

City Symphonies, Gary Gumpert and Peter Haratonik (Urban Communication Foundation) - Submission Id: #2463

Art and the city: From a communication infrastructure theory perspective, Yong-Chan Kim (Yonsei University) - Submission Id: 2468

Taking Change to the Streets: Civic Participation and Flash Mob Activism, Susan Drucker (Hofstra University) - Submission Id: #2471

Political Communication Research Section

Political Communication Research Section – POL

POL 1: Political campaigns

Wednesday, 13 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Topic: POL OCP Interactive Session 1: Wednesday, 13 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Time: Jul 13, 2022 09:00 Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 3331 5696

Passcode: 427081

POL 2: Political Communication in Latin America

Wednesday, 13 July | 15h30 – 17h00 UTC

Topic: POL OCP Interactive Session 2: Wednesday, 13 July| 15h30 – 17h00 UTC

Time: Jul 13, 2022 03:30 PM Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 4646 6765

Passcode: 705884

POL 4: State and government communication

Thursday, 14 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Topic: POL OCP Interactive Session 4: Thursday, 14 July | 09h00 – 10h30 UTC

Time: Jul 14, 2022 09:00 Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 0691 1422

Passcode: 189490

POL 3: Nationalist and identity discourses

Thursday, 14 July | 15h30 – 17h00 UTC

Topic: POL OCP Interactive Session 3: Thursday, 14 July | 15h30 – 17h00 UTC

Time: Jul 14, 2022 15:30 Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 988 0178 8538

Passcode: 137671

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